Join in!

I have a wall to paint

Do you have a wall that you would like to make available to the festival? We're all ears!

Sign up a wall
For local artists

I want to show my art

Do you do street art and are from the Frauenfeld region or from Thurgau? Sign up!

To apply
Open Call

I want to join JaM

The open call for the Jam am Festival 2025 is open until November 1, 2024. Apply now!

To the open call

Not for you? There's more to get involved here.

Do you love street art, are you looking forward to the street art festival in Frauenfeld? So do we! Become part of the family now, with a membership, with a Patronage, with a Helfereinsatz, with a sponsorships or with a small donation (Big is ok too).


Yes, I'm in!


Let's go!


Let's do it!


Learn more


Donate now!